MEDIA- THE MAINSTAY OF DEMOCRACY



1. Define Media'

Answer- Media refers to various means of communication that help in communicating to large number of people at the same time.

2. Why is media called a watchdog of democracy?

Answer-Media is like a watchdog in democracy as it keeps the government active and the public involved. From the position of being a medium of information, if has become a powerful force in our daily life.

3.In what ways does the cinema affect our views?

Answer-Cinema affect our views by creating awareness about social evils, political malpractices, economic exploitations and the fast changing Indian society and its value system.

4. What are the different means of print and electronic media?

Answer- Different  means of print and electronic media are Radio, TV, Cinema, newspaper, magazines and internet etc,

5.What other basic rights are linked with the Right to Information?

Answer-The Right to information (RTI) Act of 2005 is closely linked with our basic rights, such as function of Speech and Expression and Right to Education.


1.How are media and technology dependent on each other?

Answer-Technology has improved the efficiency of media and on the other media updates us on the advances in technology, whether it is a new form of internet connection or diet pills. For examples media uses digital technology to provide improved quality of sound and helps us think on global level, beyond the narrow boundaries of our country.

2. How does media influence our daily life?

Answer-Media influence our daily life in different ways. Some times by providing is information about new inventions, technologies, government policies etc. It also create awareness about the bad practices of society our rights as well as duties. It provide us a platform to spread our views and opinion.

3. Describe the role of media in a democracy.

Answer-In a democratic like India, media plays an important role in creating aware and enlightened citizens. Media is the main source of information as interviews speeches and panel discussions make viewers aware of the opinion of different political parities eminent personalities from various fields and the hopes and aspirations of the general public where board cast.

4.In what ways does the media bring the problems of the common man to forefront?

Answer- The media bring the problems of the common man to the forefront by covering rallies, protest marches or local body meetings with politicians /public officials to answer the quarries can be about the success or the failure of plans and facilities promised at the time of elections.

5. Do you think Indian media is free? Justify your answer.

Answer- Yes, Indian media is free but not in impartially after independence on 26 January 1950 our constitution safeguarded the 'Freedom of Press' as a fundamental Right under Freedom of Speech and Expression with certain limitations in the interests of the public. In recent times, the role and importance of media is changing at a rapid increasing use of communication satellites.

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